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Old Settlers
Sunday, 5 June 2005
Hocking County 1840 Census-Grandison Norman
Census Records Hocking County 1840 Census

This early census record does not list the individual members of the household. Only the head of the household is listed with hash marks in various columns indicating the age range of people in the household. Question marks indicate unsure spelling of names. Unless otherwise indicated, these people are listed as “free colored persons”

Green Township

Head of Household Occupation Neighbors Ages of Household Members
Under 10 10 to 24 24 to 36 36 to 55 Over 100 Gender
Elizabeth Worrick Manufactures and Trades Peter Hoodlit and George Skivers (both are white) 1 2 Male
2 1 1 Female
Grandison Norman Agriculture Grandison Norman and Joseph D. Clark (white) 2 3 1 1 Male
1 1 1 Female
Grandison Norman (dif) Agriculture Jesse Norman 1 1 Male
1 1 Female
Jesse Norman Agriculture Leverst? Fulford (white) 1 Male
1 Female
Michael Stevens Agriculture (white) Wm Cokely and Elijah Lett 1 2 1 Male
1 1 1 Female
Eijah Lett Manufactures and Trades Michael Stevens 2 1 Male
1 1 Female
Frederick Stevens Agriculture Obediah MFarlin 2 1 Male
2 1 Female

Ward Township

Head of Household Occupation Neighbors Ages of Household Members
Under 10 10 to 24 24 to 36 36 to 55 Over 100 Gender
Alfred Hickson Agriculture Jollife and Williams 1 1 Male
1 1 Female
George Norman Agriculture Elias Cook and W.T. Arnold ( both are white) 3 1 Male
1 Female

Posted by bneson at 9:26 PM EDT

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